Understanding the Eight Principles of Information Architecture

To better understand information architecture by learning about object principle, choice principle, disclosure principle, Exemplar principle, Front door principle, Multiple classification principle, Focused navigation principle, and Growth principle.

Gather in 6 groups of 3 and 1 group of 4 to develop the information architecture by way of a site map for an existing website below. Show analog OR digital representations by creating a map using post-its on the wall, or drawing on the whiteboard, or digitally create on Miro.



The goal is to assess whether users can easily find essential information and perform key tasks when navigating the website. We dissected the website and identified the links, pages, and content to show a digital representation of Riggs Partners' website architecture/structure. This exercise allowed us to delve into the fundamental structure of a website and consider the user experience.


This exercise allowed us to delve into the fundamental structure of a website and consider the user experience. While exploring the RIGGS website, I noticed that it effectively guided users deeper into the site. However, numerous external links redirected users to other websites. While this isn't necessarily a negative aspect, the primary goal should be to keep users engaged within the website. Having too many external links may divert them away.


This exercise was valuable in helping me understand the process of mapping out a website and the user experience. Creating a site map was intriguing because it allowed the group to visualize the various paths users can take when exploring a website. We noted the positive elements that keep users engaged and on the site longer, as well as the sections that often drive users away to other websites. This exercise effectively demonstrated the dos and don'ts of web design while providing a visual representation of what a website map looks like.